In Turkish culture, names carry a profound importance. They are believed to shape an individual’s character and destiny, making the naming process a cherished and thoughtful endeavor. Turkish baby girl names frequently draw inspiration from elements like nature, celestial bodies, and expressions of beauty.

What’s truly special about Turkish baby girl names is the depth of meaning embedded in each one. Whether inspired by natural elements, celestial phenomena, or expressions of beauty, these names carry a cultural significance that resonates through generations. As parents embark on the journey of choosing a name for their Turkish baby girl, they embark on a journey through language, tradition, and the rich tapestry of Turkish heritage.
- Ayla: Halo of light around the moon
- Aylin: Moonlight
- Ayşe: Alive
- Ada: Island
- Aslı: Genuine, original
- Aysu: Moon water
- Arven: Mythical queen
- Alara: Beautiful, colorful
- Almina: Precious
- Altınay: Golden moon
- Arınç: Clean, pure
- Arven: Mythical queen
- Azra: Pure, untainted
- Arzu: Desire
- Alev: Flame
- Afitap: The red glow of the morning sun
- Asmin: Grateful
- Alya: Sublime, exalted
- Aybike: Moonlight (combination of “Ay” meaning moon and “Bike” meaning bee)
- Aynur: Moonlight
- Aysel: Moonlight
- Asya: Asia
- Asuman: Sky
- Aydan: From the moon
- Ayfer: Moonlight
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Aysegül: Moon rose
- Aysev: Moon love
- Ayten: Moon-like
- Aybike: Moonlight
- Ayka: Moon’s light
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Ayrin: Moon-faced
- Aysuda: Water and moon
- Ayverdi: Given by the moon
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Aydil: Light language
- Aygun: Moon rose
- Ayisig: Moonlight
- Aykiz: Moon girl
- Aylin: Moonlight
- Aymelek: Moon honey
- Aynaz: Moon gazing
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Aysev: Moon love
- Aysima: Beautiful as the moon
- Aysu: Moon water
- Ayse: Alive
- Aysel: Moonlight
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayverdi: Given by the moon
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Azbike: Noble lady
- Azime: Respected
- Azize: Beloved
- Azra: Pure, untainted
- Azranur: Light of the pure
- Azcicek: Noble flower
- Azebella: Noble and beautiful
- Azime: Respected
- Azra: Pure, untainted
- Azbike: Noble lady
- Azime: Respected
- Azize: Beloved
- Azra: Pure, untainted
- Azranur: Light of the pure
- Azcicek: Noble flower
- Azebella: Noble and beautiful
- Azime: Respected
- Azra: Pure, untainted
- Aysun: Beautiful as the moon
- Ayten: Moon-like
- Ayfer: Moonlight
- Aysun: Beautiful as the moon
- Aydan: From the moon
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Ayisig: Moonlight
- Aykiz: Moon girl
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Aybike: Moonlight
- Ayliz: Moonlight
- Aysegul: Moon rose
- Ayverdi: Given by the moon
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayvera: Moonlight and spring
- Ayfida: Moonlight
- Aycan: Moon soul
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Aygün: Moon day
- Aynaz: Moon gazing
- Aysima: Beautiful as the moon
- Aysenur: Moonlight flame
- Ayten: Moon-like
- Ayfer: Moonlight
- Aysun: Beautiful as the moon
- Aydan: From the moon
- Ayrin: Moon-faced
- Aysuda: Water and moon
- Ayyüce: Moon descent
- Ayisig: Moonlight
- Aykiz: Moon girl
- Aynur: Moonlight
- Aysun: Beautiful as the moon
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Aybike: Moonlight
- Ayliz: Moonlight
- Aysegul: Moon rose
- Ayverdi: Given by the moon
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayvera: Moonlight and spring
- Aysun: Beautiful as the moon
- Ayten: Moon-like
- Ayfer: Moonlight
- Ayfida: Moonlight
- Aysun: Beautiful as the moon
- Aydan: From the moon
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Ayisig: Moonlight
- Aykiz: Moon girl
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Aybike: Moonlight
- Ayliz: Moonlight
- Aysegul: Moon rose
- Ayverdi: Given by the moon
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayvera: Moonlight and spring
- Ayfida: Moonlight
- Aysem: My moon
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Aysel: Moonlight
- Ayvera: Moonlight and spring
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Aybike: Moonlight (combination of “Ay” meaning moon and “Bike” meaning bee)
- Ayla: Moonlight
- Aysuda: Water and moon
- Aycan: Moon soul
- Ayisig: Moonlight
- Aykiz: Moon girl
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayvera: Moonlight and spring
- Ayfida: Moonlight
- Aykut: Moon glow
- Aysel: Moonlight
- Ayten: Moon-like
- Ayfer: Moonlight
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Aymelek: Moon honey
- Aynaz: Moon gazing
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Aysev: Moon love
- Aysima: Beautiful as the moon
- Aysu: Moon water
- Ayse: Alive
- Aysel: Moonlight
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayverdi: Given by the moon
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Ayliz: Moonlight
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayvera: Moonlight and spring
- Ayfida: Moonlight
- Aygul: Moon rose
- Aykut: Moon glow
- Aysel: Moonlight
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Aylin: Moonlight
- Aynaz: Moon gazing
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Aysev: Moon love
- Aysima: Beautiful as the moon
- Aysu: Moon water
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayvera: Moonlight and spring
- Ayfida: Moonlight
- Aykut: Moon glow
- Aysel: Moonlight
- Ayten: Moon-like
- Ayfer: Moonlight
- Aysun: Beautiful as the moon
- Aydan: From the moon
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Ayisig: Moonlight
- Aykiz: Moon girl
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Ayzin: Moon’s woman
- Aytül: Moon’s shadow
- Ayvera: Moonlight and spring
- Ayfida: Moonlight
- Aykut: Moon glow
- Aysel: Moonlight
- Aylinnur: Light of the moon
- Aynaz: Moon gazing
- Ayperi: Beautiful as the moon
- Aysev: Moon love
- Aysima: Beautiful as the moon